Yonatan Shaham

We have a game loop

Yonatan Shaham • April 27, 2022

In the last few days I did not have the chance to write something.

I did complete a working game prototype with a complete game loop:

  • The player moves around the world on a grid, and can explore it at will.
  • Player movement advances time.
  • The player can buy or sell cloth at villages at different prices. Buying at a low price and selling at a high price is the way to make money.
  • With time, player gets hungry. High hunger levels reduce health.
  • Health automatically restores when hunger levels are low.
  • The player can purchase food at one of the villages.
  • The player can purchase a wheeled cart that reduced hunger buildup, as physical effort is reduced. The cart is expensive.
  • The player wins when the amount of money is 50.

The next steps would be:

  • Replacing the text UI with graphic UI elements.
  • Adding analytics.

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