Yonatan Shaham

Mouse movements, testing

Yonatan Shaham • May 2, 2022

Following the user-testing, I changed the movement controls from WASD to mouse. the user points with the mouse and right clicks to set a destination. Once clicked, the avatar progress to the destination without stopping. This was not my initial intention, but a result of some logic from the WASD code. By I decided to keep is as it manifests the roguelike nature that once the player makes a decision they cannot change their mind and needs to face the consequences.

I also started to work on testing. The reason for starting to add tests now is that I got to a point I have a simple working game, so I can decide to freeze the development of some game mechanics. A few months ago, I used this video guide by Infallible Code. I also recommend this comprehensive Udemy course to learn about planning and designing tests in general.

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Relations between online payments entities
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